Autism Evaluations

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental condition that impacts individuals of all ages and backgrounds. It's essential to know that having ASD is distinct from a person's intelligence or motivation. Undiagnosed and untreated autism can lead to a range of challenges, including increased rates of anxiety, depression, low-self esteem, social challenges, and other life challenges.

We provide comprehensive ASD evaluations for both children and adults that are based on extensive research and scientific knowledge. If you or someone you care about has autism, know that you're not alone. Audra Walsh Psychology Group is here to guide you on your unique journey toward understanding and empowerment. Our compassionate team is dedicated to helping you navigate the challenges and celebrate the strengths that come with autism.

Childhood Autism Evaluations

Autism affects approximately 1 in 36 children in the United States. We understand that navigating the world of ASD can be challenging, but we're here to help you every step of the way. If you suspect your child may be on the autism spectrum, an evaluation can provide important clarity and direction. Early intervention is key, and an autism evaluation helps you access the right resources and therapies to support your child's unique needs.

Benefits of a Childhood Autism Evaluation

  1. Early Intervention: Early diagnosis allows for early intervention, which can significantly improve developmental outcomes for children with autism.

  2. Tailored Support: Evaluations help create individualized treatment plans, ensuring that interventions address the child's specific needs and strengths.

  3. Access to Services: A diagnosis often opens the door to a range of services and therapies, including speech therapy, occupational therapy, and behavioral interventions.

  4. Education Planning: School systems can use evaluation results to develop appropriate educational plans, such as Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) or 504 plans, to support the child's learning.

  5. Family Guidance: Evaluations provide parents with valuable information and guidance on how to support and communicate with their child more effectively.

  6. Emotional Well-being: Understanding the child's condition can help reduce anxiety and stress for both the child and their family, leading to improved emotional well-being.

  7. Behavioral Management: Evaluation results inform strategies for managing challenging behaviors and promoting positive ones, fostering improved social interactions.

  8. Community Resources: Families can access community resources and support networks specific to autism, connecting with others who share similar experiences.

  9. Advocacy: A diagnosis empowers parents and caregivers to advocate for their child's rights and accommodations in educational and social settings.

  10. Long-term Planning: Evaluations support long-term planning for the child's future, including transitioning to adulthood and accessing appropriate services and support throughout their life when needed.

Adult Autism Evaluations

ASD is often associated with children, but it's important to recognize that autism persists throughout a person's lifetime. While diagnosis rates have increased in recent years, many adults still remain undiagnosed.

Statistics reveal a startling reality: autism doesn't disappear with age. Recent studies indicate that approximately 1 in 54 adults in the United States are on the autism spectrum. Many adults are realizing that they have masked their whole lives, or that their childhood challenges were misdiagnosed, and they are now looking for answers about who they are. The prevalence of autism in adults is significant, and it's time we address it openly and empathetically and from a neurodivergent affirming lens.

Benefits of an Adult Autism Evaluation

  1. Self-Awareness: An adult autism evaluation can provide individuals with a deeper understanding of their own unique strengths and challenges.

  2. Validation: Receiving an autism diagnosis as an adult can be validating, confirming the experiences and difficulties an individual has faced throughout their life.

  3. Tailored Support: Evaluation results help develop personalized strategies and coping mechanisms to navigate social and sensory challenges more effectively.

  4. Improved Self-Esteem: Understanding one's neurodiversity can lead to increased self-esteem and self-acceptance, fostering better mental well-being.

  5. Access to Services: A diagnosis can provide access to support services, including therapy, support groups, and accommodations in educational and workplace settings.

  6. Legal Protections: In some cases, documented autism can entitle adults to legal protections and accommodations in the workplace and educational settings.

  7. Improved Relationships: Better self-awareness and communication skills developed through evaluations can lead to improved personal and professional relationships.

  8. Stress Reduction: Autism evaluations can help identify sources of stress and frustration, allowing individuals to manage their emotions more effectively.

  9. Career Growth: Understanding and addressing challenges associated with autism can lead to improved job performance and career advancement opportunities.

  10. Advocacy: Adults with autism can become advocates for themselves and others, raising awareness and promoting inclusion in various social and professional settings.